


Commercial, Industrial Rubber Flooring

The same quality mat made by Animat can be used for other applications. Either it’s for the golf course, gymnasium, arenas, work stations or product line, the industrial mat will give you a safe and reliable solution for your business.  Our mats can provide a shock absorption up to 25 times higher than concrete.  Doing so, it will help reduces risks of injuries and protects most types of equipment and floors.

Most of the industrial mats can help reduce fatigue and improves productivity at the same time.  Easy to install and easy to clean, the rubber mat is an inexpensive and versatile solution for all your needs.

The non-skid surface of the original mat will help prevent most falls.  Also, made of 100% recycled tires, we like to think that we help keep our environment clean by recycling as many tires as we can.

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