



Does Animat sell mats directly to customers?

No, Please refer to the dealers page for Dairy and equine applications or contact Animat for a dealer near you.

What is the standard size for the rubber mat?

Standard size is 4′ x 6′ x 3/4′ or 122cm x 183cm x 19mm.

What is the weight of a mat?

Approximately 100 lbs(45kg).

How can I become a dealer?

Animat is always looking to improve its network.  Please send us an email to animat@animat.ca and our sales manager will contact you directly.

Can you cut mats in a specific way?

Yes, send your request by email with the specific size wanted and we will see if it can be done.

How many mats is there on a pallet?

25 mats for a total weight of 2600 lbs(1179kg).

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